Grandma Davison's Beef Stroganoff

My aunt gave me this recipe that she found in an old, First Christian Church of Kilgore, cookbook. It is the recipe my great-grandmother Leah Davison, submitted in the book and it has stood the test of time. This German inspired dish is creamy, tangy and will make your taste buds do backflips.


1 lb. tenderized round steak, cut into bite sized pieces

½ stick butter

1 medium yellow onion, finely chopped

2 tsp. Dry Mustard

Container fresh mushrooms (roughly chopped)

16 oz Philadelphia Cream Cheese

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 ½ cups whole milk

Salt and pepper to taste


Brown meat in butter on medium heat. Once cooked, add chopped onion, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Stir Good. Turn heat to low, with lid on, and cook until almost tender. Add Mushrooms, cook 15 minutes. Stir in cream cheese and milk (more milk for thinner gravy) Serve over rice, hamburger buns or egg noodles (my fav).