Crispy Brussel Sprouts with Walnuts



2 lbs fresh Brussels sprouts

1/4 brown sugar

2 tbs olive oil

2 tbs balsamic glaze

1/4 cup walnuts

Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Trim off the root of the Brussels and cut in half. Then Rinse. I always buy really large brussel sprouts so I always have to cut them in half, if your Brussels are small you can leave some of them whole. I would still cut a few of them in half.

3. When you rinse your brussel sprouts, make sure you dry them with a towel REALLY well. If they have any moisture, they won’t be crispy and roasted like they are supposed to be.

4. In a large mixing bowl, add the brussel sprouts and drizzle with the olive oil, sprinkle with the brown sugar and salt and pepper, toss together until the veggies are completely covered in the olive oil mixture. Spread the olive oil and brown sugar covered sprouts out on a cookie sheet. Make sure there is space between each brussel sprout so they have air in between to roast, don’t overlap.

5. Add the cookie sheet to the oven and bake for about 20 min. At the ten minutes cookie mark, pull the cookie sheet out and toss them Brussels around. You want to make sure all sides get cooked.

6. On a separate cookie sheet, lay out the walnuts and add to the oven. Bake for about 10 minutes. Watch them throughout the cooking process, they easily burn.

7. Finally, remove the sprouts and walnuts from the oven once done. They should be golden brown on the outside leaves.

8. Drizzle the Brussels with the balsamic glaze (you can buy this pre-made) and toss.

9. Pour them into a serving bowl and add the walnuts. Toss well, until fully incorporated.

10. Serve with all your other yummy thanksgiving sides!