Halloween Sugar Cookies

Cookie Dough Ingredients:

1 cup butter (softened)

1 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 eggs

3 cups flour

3 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup powdered sugar

4 tbsp milk

Buttercream Icing ingredients:

1 cup butter (room temp)

4 cups powdered sugar

2 tsp vanilla extract

3 tbsp milk

Red and yellow food coloring (for orange)

Blue and red food coloring (for purple)

Fancy sprinkles


Preheat oven to 350 and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Add the softened butter and sugar to stand mixer. Mix until fully combined. Add in the eggs and vanilla extract while the mixer is still on. Turn off.

In a separate mixing bowl whisk together flour, salt, baking powder and powdered sugar.

Add the dry mixture into the mixture that is in the stand mixer. Turn on and mix until fully combined. Place the dough into the refrigerator for an hour.

Once chilled, scoop out about a table spoon of dough and roll into a ball in your hands. Press down a little bit into a disk shape. Add to the parchment lined cookie sheet and bake for 8 minutes.

While they are baking, you will make the icing. Using a large mixing bowl, add the butter, vanilla, milk and mix with a hand mixer. Add in the food coloring, and beat until it is the desired color. Start adding in the powdered sugar 1 cup at a time until it is your desired consistency.

Pull out of oven, place on cookie rack to cool.

Once the cookies have cooled, spread with a thick layer of icing with a spatula or butter knife and then sprinkle with my favorite sprinkles on earth, Fancy Sprinkles.