Chicken Piccata


3 large chicken breast (sliced in half, thin, into cutlets)

1 small jar of capers

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 shallot, chopped fine

1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

Salt and pepper for seasoning chicken

Juice from 1 large lemon

1 cup chicken broth

1/2 cup white wine

1 package egg noodles

6 tbs salted butter

Fresh chopped parsley

1 tbs olive oil


Preheat a skillet or cast iron skillet over medium heat and melt 4 tbs of butter. While that is heating up, sprinkle both sides of your chicken cutlets in salt and pepper then dredge both sides in flour. Add two at a time to the skillet, browning each side about 4/5 min or until golden brown. Once you have cooked all the chicken, set aside. Pour 1/4 cup white wine in the bottom of the pan and scrape the bottom with your wooden spatula, scraping off any brown bits.. Pour out liquid into sink if it is really dark and has a lot of burnt pieces. If not you can leave it and wait a few minuted for the wine to evaporate. I poured mine out because I wanted my sauce on the lighter side.

Boil water for noodles and cook according to package. Drain once cooked and drizzle in olive oil and toss in fresh parsley.

Add in the rest of your butter to the skillet and add the garlic and chopped shallot. Sauté and stir until fragrant, about 2 min. Pour in your chicken broth, white wine and squeeze in your lemon. Let simmer for a few minutes, bringing to rolling simmer. Turn heat down and pour in the heavy whipping cream. Stir until it starts to thicken. Mix in the capers (drained) and Let simmer for a few minutes. Grab your breaded chicken cutlets and add to the lemon sauce, spoon the sauce on top of the chicken and let soak in a bit. Serve your chicken piccata atop the parsley noodles then drench in lots of the lemon caper sauce, chow down and enjoy!!