Caprese Kebabs

As most of you know, we don’t really eat healthy around this house. I want to, I really do, I know that I would be skinnier, but would I be as happy? Probably not I tried Keto and I lost 20 pounds which was freaking amazing but let me tell ya, it was not easy. No carbs at all? I do not believe in zero carbs…I am sure a lot of people survive a super awesome lifestyle with no carbs but this fat bitch just couldn’t do it. Anyways, we do try at least 2x a week to eat healthy. We have a garden and a lot of our veggies come from there. It is pretty awesome I will admit, to grow the food you eat. I hope everyone enjoys these kebabs, they are super yummy and healthy but have a ton of flavor.


3 chicken breasts (cut into bite sized pieces)

1 lb Cherry Tomatoes

2 cups Fresh Basil leaves

2 Lemons

3/4 cup Olive oil

4 Garlic Cloves

2 tbs Poultry seasoning

10 skewers (soaked in water for 10 min, so they don’t burn on the grill)

20 Mozzarella Bites

Salt and pepper to taste

1/4 cup pine nuts

1 cup balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup honey


Lemon Pesto:

In a food processor add the juice of 1 lemon, pine nuts, garlic cloves, 1/2 cup olive oil and1 1/2 cup basil leaves. Blend until mixed well and refrigerate for 30 min.

Balsamic Glaze:

In a small sauce pan heat balsamic vinegar and honey. Bring to boil then simmer for 15/20 min or until it turns syrupy. Stir the whole time its heating so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.

Chicken Kebabs:

Heat grill on medium heat. Using your skewers, alternate chicken pieces and tomatoes until the skewer is about 3/4 full. Lay on a cookie sheet and and paint all sides of each kebab with olive oil. Sprinkle all sides with poultry seasoning and salt and pepper. Lay the kebabs on a hot grill and cook for 10 min. Flip and cook for 7 min. May need a little longer or a little less depending on the size of your chicken bites. You want to make sure they have a char on the outside but also cooked all the way through on the inside. Once you are done grilling, lay on a platter and put one mozzarella ball at the top of each skewer and one at the bottom of each skewer. You can also add left over basil leaves to each end if you would like. Drizzle the balsamic glaze over the top and then the lemon pesto. Pair with fresh grilled zucchini, rice pilaf and a crisp white wine.