Shiner Bock Pizza


Pizza Dough Ingredients:

1 packet of RapidRise Yeast

2/3 cup warm Shiner bock beer

1/8 cup warm water

1 tbs honey

1 tsp salt

2 cups all purpose flour

1 tbs olive oil and extra for greasing the bowl

Pizza Ingredients:

Fresh Mozzarella Rounds (picture below)

Shredded provolone, parmesan and mozzarella



Your favorite pizza sauce (I make my own, or if i’m feeling lazy I go to my local Italian market and get a couple of cans from there)

Olive oil

A couple large pieces of fresh basil


1. In a stand mixer, mix together the warm water, salt, yeast and beer.

2. With the dough hook attachment on the stand mixer and on low speed, start pouring in the flour.

3. Once all the flour is in, stand mixer still on, add in the honey and olive oil. Mix until completely mixed. The dough should be sticky but not too sticky where it sticks to your hands when touched.

4. Grease a bowl with a little olive oil and add the dough ball into it

5. Cover the bowl of dough with a bowl and let rise for one hour, should double in size

6. Preheat oven to 450 degrees

7. Roll out dough onto a flour surface, this is about 1 lb of dough, it can make two small pizzas or 1 large

8. Place the dough onto a large piece of foil drizzled with olive oil. You may havre to use two pieces layers on top of each other to make it wide enough if you are doing one large pizza.

9. Cover the dough in your favorite pizza sauce leaving 1 inch of dough untouched on the edge, this is your crust. Cover in shredded mozzarella and Parmesan, pieces of fresh mozzarella, pepperonis and mushrooms, more shredded mozzarella and a piece of large basil in the middle of the pizza.

10. Rub olive oil on your crust before placing in the oven.

11. Holding onto the foil with the pizza in the middle, carefully place directly onto the middle rack of the oven and bake for 15 min, possibly a little longer until it is golden and bubbly.

12. Remove the pizza holding onto both sides of the foil, cut and enjoy!!

The sauce I use when I don’t make my own!

The sauce I use when I don’t make my own!

Tear each slice into smaller pieces so it melts better!

Tear each slice into smaller pieces so it melts better!

Use RapidRise not Active!

Use RapidRise not Active!