Apple Galette with Pecan Maple Glaze

When I was in 3rd grade I lied to my family about getting commended performance (100) on both reading and math standardized test. It used to be called the TAKS test. Well because they though I was so smart and talented they took me to Outback (only steakhouse close to my hometown back then) for a celebratory dinner. I even got dessert and my uncle Charlie paid for it! The dessert was a Cinnamon Oblivion. This dessert kind of reminds me of that. I would say that the apple, cinnamon and ice cream combo is my favorite when it comes to sweets. Maybe the apple cinnamon obsession came from that fateful dinner at Outback. Anyways, I did not make commended performance, I made a 72 and an 86…..Let’s just say, my life was OVER after my mom and dad found out I lied. And, my uncle still tells me I owe him for that dinner.

Filling Ingredients:

1 1/2 Granny Smith apples (sliced super thin into half moon shape)

2 tbs lemon juice

2 tsp lemon zest

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 tbs all purpose flour

Galette Crust:

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour

1 tsp salt

1 stick cold unsalted butter (cut into small squares)

4 tbs ice water

1 beaten egg (for egg wash)

1 tbs coarse sugar

Maple Glaze Filling:

3/4 stick salted butter

1 cup powdered sugar

1/2 cup chopped pecans

1 tsp salt

2 tbs maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp cinnamon

Crust Directions:

In a food processor add flour and salt and pulse a couple of times. Add in the butter and pulse until it forms pea sized crumbs. Start slowly, a tbs at a time, adding in the ice water. Pulse until it form a dough ball. Remove from the food processor, and roll out on a floured surface. I make the crust while my filling is marinating.

Filling Directions:

In a large mixing bowl add in the apples, flour, brown sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest. Toss until all apple pieces are covered in the sugar mixture. Let sit for 10 minutes, so it releases the juice from the apples.

Galette Directions:

preheat oven to 400 degrees. Roll out the dough on a floured surface and lay the apples in a circle fashion, it should look almost like a fan. you can also layer it a little bit as well. Don’t like load a ton of them on top of each other though, because you want the apples to I didn’t use all my apples because the apples I had were HUGE.

Once all the apples have been played onto the crust, start filing the crust in ward to cover up half of the apples. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s not supposed to be. Paint the crust with your beaten egg and sprinkle the coarse sugar all over the top. Bake for 30 min.

Maple Glaze Directions:

When the galette has 10 minutes left, melt butter over low heat in a small sauce pan. Pour in the maple syrup and whisk. Stir in the pecans, cinnamon, salt and vanilla. Start whisking in the powdered sugar 1/2 a cup at a time. Whisk until fully combined.

Pour the maple glaze over the top of the baked galette, add Bluebell Vanilla Ice Cream and dig in!!