Tuscan Chicken

I went and visited my mom for the night in my home town, Kilgore. It is about 120 miles east of Dallas. We cooked, played with puppies and watched the newest episode of Yellowstone. Which was freaking amazing btw… I would do dirty things to Rip. If you don’t know what the show Yellowstone is you are a loser. Anyways, I digress. While in Kilgore, I also picked some fresh veggies from my moms garden. It was phenomenal! I am super jealous and would literally give my left tittle to be able to have a garden like this. I took a few jalapeños, Roma tomatoes, green tomatoes and cucumber. I used a few of my green tomatoes on this recipe and they did not disappoint. So freaking yummy.


4 chicken breast

2 cups fresh spinach

2 large green tomatoes

1/2 jar sun dried tomatoes (drained)

1 jar capers (drained)

1 cup heavy cream

3 coves garlic (minced)

3 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons olive oil

Seasoning for chicken:

1 tablespoon oregano

1 tablespoon dried thyme

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon ground red pepper

1/2 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper

Mix all seasoning ingredients together in small bowl. Cover the chicken on all sides with this seasoning mixture. Heat 2 tablespoons butter and olive oil over medium heat in a cast iron skillet. once melted, add to of the chicken breast and cook for about 4 min on each side, remove and set aside. Repeat with the other two breasts. They should be cooked all the way through and golden brown on the outside. Reduce heat and add another tablespoon of butter and put the garlic, capers, green tomatoes and sun dried tomatoes to the skillet. Stir around for about 3 min. Add the spinach and stir around until wilted. Add cream and let simmer for about ten min, stirring the whole time. Return the chicken to the skillet and scoop the cream mixture on to the chicken. Serve with egg noddles or mashed potatoes!